Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Methods For Modifying Behavior And Behavior Modification

Methods for Modifying Behavior in Children Behavior modification is a treatment technique used to tackle countless problems within children. When children are born discipline and growth comes from the parents. We teach right from wrong. Therefore, we are where the root of the behavior starts. Children must be correctly disciplined by the age of six because if not that child would most likely be a criminal. A child behavior rises from what they learn and their surroundings, so what we teach our children as well as what they see is what they take with them throughout life. When parents apply these particular elements of techniques, they can work with their children to swap improper or disagreeable behavior. B.F Skinner proposed that behavior†¦show more content†¦Skinner created what he called an operant conditioning apparatus that later was referred to as the â€Å"skinner box.† The Skinner box is a compartment that enclosed a key that an animal had access to when they wanted water, food, or even reinforcement. Skinner was the number one believer that children react to rewards and gifts. He believed that you had the ability to make a child do whatever you want when you give them things. Methods for Modifying Behavior There are numerous of methods for modifying your children’s behavior. Three of the best methods for modifying behavior in children are rewarding, setting consequences and boundaries. When children portray good behavior at home or in school you reward them. Whether it is gifts, privileges, money or just letting them stay up late because they have done something good inspires the child to continue doing well. They will then want to continue that behavior so he or she can continue to receive rewards. Gifts or rewards should be given to children for good behavior it shows them is they maintain good behavior they will receive rewards. As a parent, you have to reinforce rules with children. You must show children that things given to them as a privilege can be taken away when they misbehave or do something he or she is not suppose to. Taking things away from a child is the number one consequence that can occur. If a child loves a particular game system,

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